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  • in reply to: Prejardhja e shqiptarëve (tema e përgjithshme) #3704
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        Ne Dardani, nje pjese e mire e kan praktiku kremimin (supozohet E-V13, kulture e Bernices). Edhe nese nuk gjenden E-v13, kjo nuk e perjashton pranine e tyre ne periudhen e hekurit. Megjithate ka shume lokacione qe e kan praktiku inhumimin dhe mund te testohen eshtrat nga te dy peridhat, te bronzit dhe te hekurit ( Ponoshec, Romaje etj.)

        in reply to: Artikuj shkencorë (vetëm titulli, abstrakti dhe vegëza) #3682
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            <h1 id=”page-title” class=”highwire-cite-title”>Ancient DNA reveals the origins of the Albanians</h1>
            <h2 class=””>Abstract</h2>
            <p id=”p-3″>The origins of the Albanian people have vexed linguists and historians for centuries, as Albanians first appear in the historical record in the 11<sup>th</sup> century CE, while their language is one of the most enigmatic branches of the Indo-European family. To identify the populations that contributed to the ancestry of Albanians, we undertake a genomic transect of the Balkans over the last 8000 years, where we analyse more than 6000 previously published ancient genomes using state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools and algorithms that quantify spatiotemporal human mobility. We find that modern Albanians descend from Roman era western Balkan populations, with additional admixture from Slavic-related groups. Remarkably, Albanian paternal ancestry shows continuity from Bronze Age Balkan populations, including those known as Illyrians. Our results provide an unprecedented understanding of the historical and demographic processes that led to the formation of modern Albanians and help locate the area where the Albanian language developed.</p>

            in reply to: Rezultatet e reja të projektit #3667
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                Edhe kjo linje I1-Y60985 duket se kalon neper nje “bottleneck”. Ne yfull linjat tek shqiptaret kane TMRCA perafersiht 600 vjet dhe pastaj nuk ka anetare tjere ne se paku 1000 vjet TMRCA.

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